Creek Chub Bait Company, Garrett, Indiana
Creek Chub lures are among the most collectible of all. This well known company is considered to be one of the two primary makers of today's most sought-after antique fishing tackle (the other being Heddon). The company was founded around 1910 and was a kingpin in the industry by 1920. Unlike other companies, Creek Chub Bait Company made glass-eyed wooden baits well into the 1950s. In this chapter, we will concentrate on the CCBC company's earliest, and most valuable, boxes, and the wonderful antique fishing lures they contain. Creek Chub lures are found in almost every tacklebox. Sometimes they are referred to as CCBC lures. The initials CCBC of course, stand for Creek Chub Bait Co.
I Buy Creek Chub Fishing Lures: Click HERE
The World Record Bass was caught June 2, 1932 on a Creek Chub Lure
Click HERE to read the story of George Perry and the World Record Bass!
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The Creek Chub Wiggler was one of Creek Chub Bait Company's earliest baits. Look for an unmarked diving lip (no patent date) and hand-painted gill marks on the really early ones. They came in a special "introductory" box that is quite rare. Creek Chub Wiggler boxes were around in the late teens and had disappeared by about 1920. This specimen is in wonderful Goldfish Scale and has red gills. |
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The Famous Pikie Minnow was introduced around 1919. This one is in a crisp intro picture box with special papers. The Pikie Minnow is one of Creek Chub's most common lures, but early ones like these are much harder to find. The striped finish is airbrushed with no scale detail. This Pikie Minnow has hand painted gills as well. This is one of our favorite specimens, and the most famous CCBC lure. |
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The Open Mouth Weedless, later called Open Mouth Shiner, was introduced in 1919. As far as I can tell, this very rare blue introductory box was made only that year. This is the rarest of all the Creek Chub "intro" boxes. The Creek Chub Open Mouth Weedless lures were designed to be weed proof by virtue of long-shanked double hooks that faced backwards and would drag over snags without hanging. Open Mouth Weedless lures are hard to find. |
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The Creek Chub Crawdad was introduced in the late teens, and initially called the Creek Crab Wiggler. The Creek Chub Crawdad also came in its special introductory box. This example was the first box, and was made only one year. It is possible the "Creek Crab" conflicted with Heddon's "Crab Wiggler" introduced at the same time. Note the folded, 6-page 1918 catalog inside the wonderful early box. Creek Crab and Crawdad boxes are rare. |
This is the second, and more common, version of the Creek Chub Crawdad introductory box. It is still very hard to find, having been made only one or two years. The lure itself, however, was made for almost 30 years and is one of this company's easiest lures to locate. This boxed example includes brown papers listing the four baits available in Creek Chub's early years. Crawdads had rubber feelers. |
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This is my best Creek Chub find ever - six intro boxes, all from one tackle box acquired from a visitor to this website. Each of these Creek Chub Wiggler boxes contains a rare 1918 color catalog with six pages and showing just six lures. Note the rare Creek Crab box (shown above) and the interesting colors of early Creek Chub Wiggler lures, some of which have no eyes. Finds like this don't come along often. |
This is the prettiest lure from among the outstanding baits shown in the great field find above. It is a Deluxe Wagtail Chub in Goldfish! This minty lure has hand-painted gills and the earliest plain tail. The box wasn't marked, but had it been, the correct number would have been 808. The earliest Deluxe Wagtail Chub lures came in the Creek Chub Wiggler intro boxes, but later ones are found in the typical green CCBC box. |
This early Creek Chub Wiggler is new in its original intro picture box and is correctly marked "Natural YS" denoting the early and rare "yellow scale" finish. This color almost appears to be a forerunner of Golden Shiner but tha back is much greener. This lure has the unmarked lip and beautiful hand-painted gills. This circa 1920-21 piece was acquired from a visitor to this website. |
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This is the earliest Husky Musky, the fat-bodied musky bait that was easily three times the size of the Creek Chub Wiggler. This big lure has long hand painted gill marks and glass eyes, and has the early unmarked diving lip. Its box is almost eight inches long and has a design similar to the Wiggler intro box. Both date to the late teens and early 1920s. |
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The No. 4800 Creek Chub Wee Dee is one of the all-time classic lures - and one of my personal favorites. The bug-like plug with single hooks and wire antennas was short-lived, dating to 1936, and is one of the most sought-after lures of all times. This Wee Dee in Bug Finish is mint in its original box with a 1936 color catalog and 2 order forms. The Creek Chub Wee Dee also came in frogspot and red/white. |
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The Creek Chub Gar Minnow is a classic. It was introduced in 1927 especially for fishing in Florida. This new-in-box example was found in an old store in Jacksonville, Fla., and later was a wedding gift to the former Mrs. Lurebox and myself from a dear friend. The marriage didn't last, but I still have the lure! The 1927 catalog inside describes the Creek Chub Gar Minnow as "new" and claims it is "taking Florida by storm." The new Mrs. Lurebox loves this bait. |
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This is a Baby Pikie Minnow in the typical generic Creek Chub box that was used for dozens of different lures the company offered over the many decades it was in business. This is an early lure, though, with two line ties and unusual red chin and gill blush found only on the earlier models. The Creek Chub Pikie is among the most common of all antique fishing lures. |
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This is an early Creek Chub Wigglefish in redside scale. A similar lure in perch scale caught the 22-pound world record bass in Georgia in 1932. Click HERE for details on George Perry and the World REcord Bass. Wigglefish are common, but look at this interesting box: it's from the Allcock, Laight & Westwood Co. of Toronto, Canada, which manufactured and marketed lures for Creek Chub in the 30s, 40s and 50s. |
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This little Creek Chub fly rod lure, called the Bull Pup, dates to the 1920s and comes in its own little tiny intro box. This is one of the toughest Creek Chub fly rod lure boxes to find. Without the box, this little lure attracts little interest, even though it's painted in green gar finish! I would like to buy more Fly Rod Lure boxes and baits by Creek Chub Bait Company. |
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This is the Creek Chub Flyrod Froggie in its own wonderful introductory picture box. The tiny wooden lure was made in the late 1920s or early 30s. The attractive square box is one of the best Creek Chub has to offer. The Creek Chub Flyrod Froggie is very difficult to find, and many Creek Chub collectors don't even know they exist! I would like to buy a flyrod froggie like the one in this photo - which belongs to a friend. Email if you have one! |
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E-mail mrlurebox at
Other Creek Chub lures I am interested in buying include: Creek Chub Wiggler, Crawdad, Famous Pikie Minnow, Deluxe Wag Tail Chub, Creek Bug Wiggler, Big Creek Bug Wiggler, Injured Minnow, Polly Wiggle, Wiggle Diver, Creek Chub Darter, Fin Tail Shiner, Giant Pikie, Giant Jointed Pikie, Striper Pikie, Snook Pikie, Wigglefish, Wiggle Fish, Weed Bug, Weed Frog, Castrola, Plunker, Sarasota, Snook Pikie, River Rustler, Lucky Mouse, Beetle, Jigger, Flip Flap, Wee Dee, Close Pin, Dingbat, Midget Dingbat, Dinger, Plunking Dinger, Surface Dingbat, Tiny Tim, Big Bomber, Surfster, Sinful Sal, Champ.